Our first article in the journal of EASS

Today, 30 March, an article summarising the results of the work that examined the factors affecting the decision-making processes of the crisis units of local governments of the Crisis Research Centre (KRUK) was published in the journal Verbis Aut Re of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences.

The aim of the article was to present the results of the study in a publication evaluated by the employees and students of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. “The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences is the only higher education institution in Estonia where students receive a broad and deepened overview of modern crisis management. We are very pleased that we were able to present the results of our most recent survey to future crisis managers and their lecturers studying there in an article,” said Hannes Nagel, founding member of the Centre.

In the article, KRUK researchers write about the factors that have influenced the decision-making processes of the coronavirus crisis in the first wave of the pandemic, in the example of local governments. “There is an initial view of how and how different factors influence decision-making at local level during the initial phase of the crisis in the case of the coronavirus crisis. At present, we are also engaged in the second wave study of the CODES study, which aims to collect comparative data that will allow us to look at the influence of crisis management decision-making processes over time,” Nagel noted.

Verbis Aut Re is a magazine of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, published three times a year. The article “What Affects Crisis Decision-Making?” published in the Journal of Researchers of the Centre for Crisis Research is available here.

To refer to the article that is the subject of the news, we recommend using the following entry:  1 Nagel, H. & Nagel, A.-M., 2022. What affects crisis decision-making? Verbis Aut Re, 15 (1), 22-25.
