Scientific article: The first scientific article introducing the CODES project was published in Acta Politica Estica scientific journal

The first high-level research article on factors affecting local government decision-making processes and their relationship patterns in the first wave of the coronavirus crisis in Saaremaa rural municipality and the city of Tallinn has been published in the framework of the Longitude Study under the project CODES. 

The article “In the first wave of COVID-19 on the example of Tallinn and Saaremaa” by Hannes Nagel, a researcher at the Estica Crisis Research Centre of Tallinn University, was published today in the scientific journal Acta Politica, which analyses the impact of the first wave of the coronavirus crisis on local governments on the example of Tallinn and Saaremaa. “The article is lubbed on the complexity of the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis in terms of decision-making and policy-making. The article presenting the results of the COVID-19 Viral Disease First Wave Study highlights the stress of the main results, the pressure on the media and the public, the pressure on time and the pressure of central government or other organisations as the most important factors influencing decision-making,” Nagel said.

In this context, it has become clear that crisis management decision-makers have a significant sense of both fickleness, uncertainty, multifacetedness and complexity as a result of the VUCA framework.  “Surprisingly, for example, the existence of information was not one of the most important factors influencing decision-making, but it had a strong indirect effect through several other factors, which in total made it difficult to solve and decide the task.

To better understand and resolve future COVID-19-type VUCA crises, to adapt to them, but also to accept modern new types of reality, the decision and decision-making as a whole cannot be underestimated as a fundamental tool for crisis management, along with the factors that affect them and their output forms, ” he said. The article can be read here and the full issue of the magazine (No12) here.1 Acta Politica Estica is 2013. An interdisciplinary journal of policy and governance analysis published by the Institute of Societal Sciences of Tallinn University, published in which the articles are treated as Level 1.2 publications according to the ETIS classification.

To refer to the content of the article, we recommend using the following entry: 1 Nagel, H., 2021. In the first wave of COVID-19, on the example of Tallinn and Saaremaa. Acta Politica Estica, 12.A
