Our team

Anne-May Nagel

co-founder | researcher

Hannes Nagel

co-founder | CEO

Sofiia Kostytska

external expert

Elina Šatova


profile at Research Info System

The Crisis Research Centre

The Crisis Research Centre (KRUK) was established in 2022 with the aim of popularising and developing the field of crisis management. We carry out crisis management studies, the results of which are reflected in various reports as well as in scientific and popular scientific articles. Our researchers also speak at conferences and opinion pieces.

We believe that crisis management is a skill like any other. It can be developed, and the best way to do this is, of course, a science-based approach. This is where we come to help the organizations!
We help to make sense of crisis management challenges both in preparation for crises and post-crisis, with a focus on VUCA environmental crises. Our main partners are state agencies and companies, while paying special attention to cooperation with local governments.

In our international team you will find state scientists, communications experts, lawyers and third sector representatives.

 Our activities are in line and guided by the Code of Ethics of the NGO Crisis Research Centre and the codes of ethics of the professional organisations involved.

We have worked with

Estonian Rescue Board

Estonian Rescue Worker’s Union

Saaremaa Municipality

Hiiumaa Municipality

Vormsi Municipality

Our content has been published by:

Tallinn University

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences

Estonian Defence League

Silesian University of Technology