Situation needs urgent solution It is not possible to support Ukraine with one hand tied to Russian money – that is clear. Both the August 31, 2023
Why do we need to protect personal data and comply with GDPR? On August 16, we launched a petition on the portal, requesting the creation of a special committee for the August 24, 2023
A petition to form a special committee for the protection of personal data in the Riigikogu was launched today From Wednesday, 16 August, one can sign a petition on the portal, which requests the creation of a special August 16, 2023
Phishing for personal data a threat to everyone’s security The scandal revolving around NGO Pere Sihtkapital that obtained the personal data of thousands of Estonian women through unscrupulous means August 14, 2023
Data deception needs a strong response The scandal unfolding around Pere Sihtkapital SA and the Isamaa political party, centred on the mass and unlawful acquisition of August 14, 2023