TRAINING | First aid

With the help of the Tallinn Community Centre Kopli 93 and as part of Crisis Skills Month on April 26, the Crisis Research Centre will hold a free first aid course that will also talk about the dangers civilians face in armed conflicts.

What is the most important thing to remember about first aid, even when things go badly? We’ll go over the most common injuries, accidents, and outbreaks and review what we know. New skills are important in times of peace and in times of all kinds of crises, whether they are caused by nature or by people, like in Ukraine.

Andrus Lehtmets, a paramedic with a lot of work experience, is the trainer. He has been a medical officer and specialist at the Joint Headquarters of the Estonian Defence League for almost 20 years and is also a lecturer at the Tallinn University Institute of Natural and Health Sciences. There is no cost for the training, which will be held in Estonian. Everyone who takes part will get a certificate.

The Civil Society Foundation is supporting the Kopli 93 project on behalf of the Estonian Ministry of the Interior.

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