We launched the Crisis Skills Online Training Programme for Väike-Õismäe

Registration is now open for a free crisis skills online training program in civil defence for Väike-Õismäe! You are warmly invited to join the free online sessions – together, we can make Väike-Õismäe more resilient to crises.

The online training programme’s goal is to provide essential knowledge and skills for dealing with crisis situations. In collaboration with experienced professionals in the field, the training sessions will be held online in the spring of 2025. The online training programme contains the following free training sessions:

1. The ABC of Evacuation (in Estonian, trainers from the paramilitary Women’s Voluntary Defence Organisation):

How do you act quickly and wisely during a crisis? The training will provide an overview of what to bring with you in the event of an evacuation, what to give up, how to behave in various situations, and how to remain calm and cooperative. You will learn how to assess the situation, prioritise, and ensure the safety of yourself and your family. The training will cover practical topics such as how to prepare a GO-bag (evacuation bag), how to transport important documents and equipment, how to behave at evacuation sites, and how to communicate with those in need. You will gain the knowledge and guidance necessary to act effectively and make informed decisions during a crisis. What you learn will be practical and applicable in a variety of situations.

2. The ABC of Crisis Planning (in Estonian, trainers from the Tallinn Municipal Police):

How do I prepare for unexpected situations and act with confidence? This training will teach you why a crisis plan is important, how to easily create one, and what it can do for you. We will learn how to create a plan for yourself, your family, and your community so that in the event of a crisis, everyone knows what to do. The training will provide practical advice on risk assessment, stockpiling, and dividing roles to ensure quick and smooth action. A good crisis plan will help you stay calm, reduce confusion, and gain confidence in your ability to handle any situation!

PS! Two contact training days will be added to the MUPO training schedule soon!

We invite you to participate to update your crisis skills and better prepare for unexpected situations. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by e-mail: katrin.loovili (a) kruk.ee.

🟧🟦 The activities of the K-24 project will be carried out by the Crisis Research Centre, and the implementation of the project activities is supported by the Civil Society Foundation through the Ministry of the Interior.

Photo: online training (Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels, 2020).

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