Visiting TalTech’s podcast: Crisis management is a skill like any other

On March 5, Anne-May Nagel, co-founder of the Crisis Research Centre, was a guest on TalTech’s podcast, and in addition to her doctoral studies, the topic was also crises and crisis management as a learnable skill.

Anne-May Nagel, co-founder of the Crisis Research Centre, visited Tallinn University of Technology’s podcast “TalTech in your pocket”. Anne-May is a PhD student at the Ragnar Nurkse Institute of Innovation and Governance at Tallinn University of Technology, focusing on post-crisis management.

In the podcast, Anne-May talked about her PhD studies and how she became involved in researching crisis management in the first place. In addition, the importance of maintaining mental health was discussed, as well as the work carried out by the Crisis Research Centre.

You can listen the programme here!

Photo: Anne-May at podcast “TalTech in your pocket” (Crisis Research Centre Keskus, 2024).

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